Monday, December 8, 2008

All You Need is Love

I'm always on the lookout for any signs from above, lessons in karma and other cosmic activity. So far, I have not found any images of the Virgin Mary on my grilled cheese sandwiches and have not seen a UFO. So imagine slicing off the side of a bell pepper for a salad and having this little extra goodie falling out onto your cutting board. A perfect heart!! I put it on my husband's plate and I got all mushy inside and thought it was a reminder of how much my family is shrouded in love...and how lucky we are to have each other.


Jacqueline Meldrum said...

It was too perfect a heart, not to hold a message! Did you husband share your amazement?

Anonymous said...

simple things in life also makes me happy...just like this post you have here...thanks for sharing this wonderful heart....